Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Improve Your Slow Windows PC With PC Doc Pro

Improving Windows

Are you tired of wandering around your Stat menu, requiring three or more mouse clicks just to launch an oft-used application or folder? If you desire a fluid computing experience, where a keystroke can materialize a spiral dock displaying your most used app icons, where virtual screen-side tabs keep folders close and within reach, and where macros offload cumbersome mouse clicks and typing, then read on; your life is about to get easier!

Dock All Your Programs

Every efficient Windows user snaps an Alt+Tab or more when switching among opened programs. Running programs, copying or pasting text, and other common tasks can be made more fluid and seamless if you don’t have to constantly switch from keyboard to mouse. If there’s a keyboard shortcut that can accomplish the same job as a menu via right-clicking your mouse, then I’m using it to save energy and time.

Pulling up and running your favorite programs by way of a single keystroke, the freeware docking program, Circle Dock, displays your app icons in spiral or circle formation above your Desktop. Common task icons like default browser and e-mail client launching, opening the Control Panel, et al., come preloaded within "Circle Dock" and dropping icons from your programs and folders into Circle Dock will add these items to its display. If you want to spice up Circle Dock’s appearance, change its graphical interface by selecting a different included skin or user-created icon.

Macros Make Tasks Easier

Repetitive tasks can be easily automated with the right macro software. Think of all the times you spend typing and clicking the same thing over and over again; for example, how many times do you launch Firefox in a given day? You may have a Firefox desktop icon residing on your Desktop, Start menu, or Quick Launch, all awaiting your right tap on your mouse, but a macro program allows you to simply tap out “ff” on your keyboard and Firefox magically loads up. If you’re a touch typist—the ability to type without looking at your fingers and keyboard—quickly firing off common tasks from your keyboard saves a lot of time not to mention mouse clicking.

Active Words makes creating macros—repetitive, automated tasks—a snap. ActiveWords can jump into action with a single keystroke; each command, called an “ActiveWord”, fires off a task at your whim. You can command ActiveWords to copy and paste an address into Notepad, or parse your Outlook e-mail headers searching for specific text patterns. An intuitive Wizard is included to make macro creation even easier. The Plus version of ActiveWords is $50 USD.

Tabular Folders

Keeping your most visited folders in an easy to access area, like the side of your desktop, is a great way to quickly access the file you’re looking for. Sure, you can toss your folder shortcuts on your Desktop, but there’s a better way: Stick’s Tab Manager. This folder tab program sticks virtual folder tabs on the side of your desktop. With convenient options like auto hide, your folder tabs will be hidden, springing out into view when your mouse’s cursor is detected within its area. This great program will certainly save you from the incessant clicking and directory drilling Windows Explorer makes you do to get at your files and folders.

See The Complete solution of slow pc problem with PC Doc Pro:

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